Monday, October 17, 2011

Let's Talk Taboo

Are Taboo Topics really forbidden by TMI?

Members often hear from other Toastmasters that speeches concerning politics, religion and sex are forbidden by Toastmasters International because “such controversial subjects are not appropriate.”

This is not true. Toastmasters International does not prohibit any speech topic, content or language.

Toastmasters International recognizes that club members may learn much about the world around them from listening to others’ speeches on a variety of subjects. This variety can add interest to club meetings and stimulate thoughts and ideas. For these reasons, Toastmasters International does not place restrictions on topics, content or language of any speeches. TI also recognizes that a club is comprised of a diverse group of people and recommends members be sensitive to this diversity and use good taste and responsibility when selecting speech topics, content and language.

While Toastmasters International has no organizational restrictions along these lines, each individual club does have the right to limit speech subjects, content and/or language, with the consensus of its members. Club leaders should guide their members on how to observe good taste and sensitivity in the context of that particular club. To accomplish this, it’s a good idea for clubs to use their websites to advise members and guests of any policies that have been decided. Presenting this information on a club website will help to maintain consistency as leadership changes. Additionally, it allows transparency and clarity for club members so they can periodically review the established practices of their club.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with this topic ... the speeches by TMs shouldn't be to improve their oratorical skills alone but also provide the listeners with quality content - whether it is Global Issues or any social hazards that is prevalent in the society ...
    It gives a more holistic approach to our meetings as well! :)
